Every month Henryk Krol (leader of DeoLink) shares a written update about the impact of the ministry. Subscribe to receive it by email.
Every day our wheels are turning a little faster as we strive to embrace so many avenues that [...]
Results in 2020 150% more people started a process of discipling on our courses platform (in [...]
The Kingdom’s reach is growing! Even as this year has pushed each one outside their [...]
When it all started… It is now 45 years, since we started our ministry, we could never [...]
Annual conference We have just finished our Annual e-Coach Conference, it was online this year. [...]
But life goes on. Two of our young staff had the virus and now are over it. We have had to make [...]
But as long as He wants us to be here, we pray we’ll faithfully use all the opportunities He [...]
Health problem… For the first time in my long life I experienced a physical problem; an [...]
In Poland it appears that self-indulgence and distance too have become prevalent. The Polish [...]