Love and warm greetings from Wisla, Poland. I was very touched last month, when, after the mailing our November Update, I received a number of mails from friends we had not been in touch with for quite some time! Thank you for all the prayers and kind and encouraging words! You, Friends, are also important to us! I really mean that!
Even as this year has pushed each one outside their comfort zone when all their “routines” were broken, it has also challenged many people to re-evaluate their lives, comparing present results against their original plans.
I am so thrilled, every time I recall that 13 years ago the Lord led us to prioritize our Internet presence as our primary outreach field. We are so thankful to all the people who helped us in this process, from France, Netherlands and USA. And today? A whole team of in-house, highly qualified IT/content developers are helping to advance the Kingdom. Thank you, Jesus!
Video and audio recordings of the band “Cześć” – several songs recorded on a couch. Final result is below 🙂
New video “Zginam swe kolana (So much more)” by band “Cześć”.
We’ve published the new Bible Project series on our YouTube channel, of course in Polish language 🙂
The challenge of dealing with technology as a service is that it grows exponentially! I still remember, when in the 1980s I brought back from England our very first computer (Elonex) with a 40 Mb hard drive – we were so thrilled! Today, in house, we have 250 terabytes of storage, for all the backups, sensitive data, films we produce, 25 language software versions, etc. And it is on top of our cloud storage!
2020, from our ministry standpoint, has been the best year ever. More than double the number of new people signed to our discipleship platform courses. To date, 13.500 new people have started one or more of out courses. Polish people using our courses now exceed 43,500, worldwide, in all the languages we serve, the number exceeds 400.000. We see this as a direct result of the pandemic driving people to adapt to a rapidly changing world.
A majority of physical conferences/camps/weekends had to be cancelled, but we have produced many more films and multimedia documents. Conferences were moved on-line, with numbers of participants exceeding by far the “standard” crowd. Usually it was 5 to 1 ratio… But preparations took a lot of effort, the productions were meticulously planned to highest possible standard.
We are very thankful, to the Lord and to out friends at ZeWatchers organization, superb media experts, who already 2 years ago have trained our colleagues in video techniques. Again and again we see the Lord has been, and is, in charge of everything and He has already prepared the way.
We also started, (in Polish) a quarterly bulletin, informing Polish believers who we are, what we do and what are offering to churches and individuals. Everybody is invited to join in, it is organized and run by my wife, Bogusia,
Quarterly bulletin informing Polish believers who we are, what we do and how they can be involved in the ministry.
This month we’ve finished a new course offered to parents: “Kids safe online”.
Three books are in the pipeline to be published in the next quarter – Greg Odgen’s “Discipleship Essentials”, Bobb Biehl, “Decade to Decade” and “The White book of Testimonials” – 240 pages of stories of people influenced by our ministry. Also our family book, “Sure Foundation”, a historical document of the Lord’s faithfulness to five generations, this one in English. Please, pray with us that all these big plans will be fulfilled, to the glory of our Lord.
And all the time we produce daily devotions – The Word for Today by Bobb and Debby Gass, also on paper and Eric’s Celerier – “The Miracles Every Day”. Tens of thousands of Poles are reading it daily. Thank you, Jesus!
Our main objective is to reach to new people, unbelievers, who are outside our regular, comfortable, evangelical circles.
We have produced a series of 3 meetings called “Good afternoon” – inspiring YouTube shows about search for happiness and fulfillment in life.
Main parts of the meetings were pre-recorded in our Studio.
The first meeting was transmitted LIVE last Saturday with zoom interaction in small groups and live chat.
We’ll be live again for next 2 Saturdays. Please pray we will reach the people God has prepared for that.
As you can imagine, such a massive effort and acceleration puts tremendous financial pressure on us, having in mind that our Radio revenue was cut by 50% by the pandemic, and conferences, that we were doing some 25 in a year, of various sizes – were suspended. We pray for a miracle, that the Lord again will find a good solution to move us forward.
When we talk so much about scale, we can not forget that behind numbers there are individual people! Suffering, lonely, looking for direction, for God. Yes, Jesus transforms them, again and again, we get tens of testimonials, some of them are at the end of this UPDATE.
Join online ministry! – short invitation for people to join our online ministry.
If you are in a position to help us financially to reach new people, we would ask you to donate by pressing the “donate” button below. Every $50 USD / £37.50 / 43 Euros allows us to reach 20 new people!
You can make your gift by clicking here:
Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Progress on prayer requests:
December prayer requests: