Once again, warm greetings from Wisla, Poland. August feels as though it has passed very quickly.
We have just finished our Annual e-Coach Conference, it was online this year. It felt strange not to meet, face to face, with people we love and cherish so much, but we had to be content with the facilities that were available to us.
The preparations took quite a lot of time and energy; as a media company we wanted to use all our experience to make an excellent presentation of the good material available to us. Our main speakers, Wes and Joy Griffin from USA, the leaders of International Leadership Institute (ILI) sent us in advance their talks for translation.
It was all held on ZOOM (video conferencing software) as an interactive meeting. Over 438 people registered; 208 computers were online, many with multiple people participating. There was music, testimonials (some recorded earlier and some live), prayer time and discussions in smaller groups (ZOOM breakout rooms).
The conference topic was “4D – four dimensions of a life with God”, based on the 2nd chapter of Ephesians
It wasn’t just a regular stream – it was a 2-way communication with all the participants – using the ZOOM platform
We’ve arranged our conference room to a Conference studio
We’re joining our band in a live worship sessions form the living room above our offices
The team of around 15 people took care for all the technicalities like camera operation, lighting, directing, mixing audio, creating graphics and animations, applying the make up, streaming online and moderation of more than 200 users on ZOOM.
Great time of inspiration, mobilization and fellowship (yes, it happened online!)
Another interesting event, arranged again by Jacek and Ela (Outback leaders), was for Outback volunteers. A second bike/adventure experience, incorporating times of detailed Bible study. The participants returned happy and motivated. We believe we shall make this an extra activity during summer, to build-up fellowship with coaches and volunteers.
In the coming months Norbert is planning to have several small, regional conferences around Poland. Of course we want to observe the distancing rules but still be very active in these areas.
We pray also for a new, great name for a second platform for connecting with people, because we observe, the name used up till now – Looking for God – has lost some appeal in a changing World, particularly with the next generations. We plan to use two parallel names and two profiles in the future. If you have any advice, how to name the second-one, please share it with us.
Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Progress on prayer requests:
September prayer requests: