With the beautiful weather outside, the world looks much better! Even when I with my wife Bogusia decided to go on diet – presently just vegetable juices… To be direct – not my favourite…
Another “family” adventure we had when our granddaughter, Miriam, 11 months old, has swallowed a part of dishwasher tablet. A whole “rescue mission” was triggered, due to a road repair – a helicopter, ambulances and fire brigade, to clear a landing space… were involved, Still, after 4 days in a clinic she spent with her mam, Justyna – they have returned and she smiles as ever before… A lot of prayers went around the world for her, we were thrilled to get so many encouraging messages! Thank you so much!
On a ministry side – also lots of activities. As you know, we want to help individual seekers, one person at a time, to discover a great solution for their life in Jesus. But we want to do it in a scalable way! Help thousands! And in a deep, not shallow manner! This is why already in 2008 we re-focused into Internet. Now, when at this stage of pandemic – majority of people were pressed to use digital communication tools – zoom, skype. Google meet, etc. – it has accelerated understanding of its potential value by the majority of people, who did not considered it before. So now we have additional acceleration in our digital ministry. And many encouraging responses, find them in the back!
Not to say we have forgotten about our Radio. Actually, we want to revitalize our programming and a new “middle web page” was created to be a bridge between secular listeners, who mostly would be scared to connect with our “Looking for God” web page as they are not actively looking for God. Number of new courses and material is to be developed for them.
Also – in June – we plan to have 2 Outback family weekends. Yes, we are so hungry for the face to face experience! And right now – another “Rideback” group of Outback people have decided to spend 4 days together at a spontaneous, primitive camp – at the lake district of Poland… There are fantastic testimonials. It is so wonderful, to hear some dramatic stories of couples being in total mess, often divorced, who – discover love and – have a thriving marriage. Such miracles only God can do!
Greetings from the 4 day camp! You can see how many people wanted to spend this time together.
Preparatory meeting regarding the upcoming Outbacks.
But we do also some long term, strategically important matters. With a help of a coach, Zach Clark from US – we try to bring our communication to the next level, so that everybody would understand what we try to accomplish and why it is important for us. A proper development plan! We do some 60 projects at present, so people are lost – what, why, do we really need such an dissipate approach… The point is – all those matters are fully controlled, managed, have their place in the puzzle… After all, we have 61 staff and some 600+ UTM (Unpaid Team Members)! I hope, you will see improvement in our communication when we shall implement things we learn right now!
What is happening on the exciting movie ground, as described last month? The first episode is already filmed. We are just waiting when it will be possible to fly to the States to go to NRB and number of other important meetings. Face to face speeds up still the communication…
Thank you so much to all of you (so many!) who have been helping us financially to make those things happen! The Lord is helping us a month at a time.
If you would like to donate to help us reaching new people, press the “donate” button below. Every $50 USD / £37.50 / 43 Euros allows us to reach 20 new people!
Thanks to our Friends at 4DMinistries You can make your gift by clicking here:
Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Progress on prayer requests:
June prayer requests: