It should come as no surprise to you to hear that life, again, is very busy for us! As previously often mentioned, the ever increasing number of opportunities has grown from a light wind until feels like a gale.
Every day our wheels are turning a little faster as we strive to embrace so many avenues that are opening up. It reached the point where we had to omit out February Update as coping with so many challenges was more important than writing about them.
But, Friends, we appreciate your prayers and all the practical help more than words can express; so here are some more details.
Yes, our software team has finished merging our discipleship internet platform with Zoom video conferencing. Now, if you desire it, pressing just one button on your screen will launch a small group, real time conversation on our course platform!
Our daily readings (devotions) phone app is ready too, both for Android and iOS. We offer three different plans, every day, to help our contacts have an unthreatening way of staying in the spiritual realm, even when off-line.
Finally, after some three years of work, we completed our family book, “Sure Foundation” in English! Now we pray for God’s guidance in find the right publisher. It is not easy as now there are more book writers than book readers! We shall inform you, when it becomes available. Now we are picking photographs and getting endorsements. The Foreword is to be written by Joni Eareckson-Tada. Thank you, Lord!
Another two courses were added to our digital portfolio. We try to track the current needs from a biblical perspective and react immediately. It is about suicides.
A new quarterly Polish language bulletin was produced, inviting many new people to cooperate in the work of Evangelism and disciple making.
Next quarterly of “The Word for Today”, also on paper – was printed and is distributed to thousands of readers.
My wife Bogusia is prayerfully considering writing a continuation of “A miracle every day” a daily encouraging, personal message initiated by Eric Celerier, Godly co-founder of and greatly spiritual man. She was translating it for many years (as well as the Word for Today) on top of her other obligations, office management and being a great grandma! Thank you, Lord for such a wife!
New episodes of “The Bible Project” (about understanding the Bible) were translated into Polish and are already available.
New episodes are available on our channel “Bible Project – Polski“, of course you can see this video in original english version –> here <–
Healthwise, we are doing well – at present nobody from our staff has COVID-19 and we pray and work towards having all the off-line Outbacks and conferences un-disrupted. They may be little smaller, but people are so much longing for physical connections and I am waiting patiently for my vaccination so that I can resume my international travel.
Thank you so much all of you for sending your donations, they are greatly appreciated! This whole work has outgrown us as people long ago, now we want to follow our Lord in fulfilling His guidance and are not rejecting even very bold visions!
If you would like to donate to help us reaching new people, we would ask you to donate by pressing the “donate” button below. Every $50 USD / £37.50 / 43 Euros allows us to reach 20 new people!
Thanks to our Friends at 4DMinistries You can make your gift by clicking here:
Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Progress on prayer requests:
March prayer requests: