Every month Henryk Krol (leader of DeoLink) shares a written update about the impact of the ministry. Subscribe to receive it by email.
Dear Friends, It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest of the current [...]
This is the reason, why we want to grow – to reach more people with the information that there [...]
Firstly, Filip and I were invited to join 25 other international distributors of The Chosen [...]
I have just returned from a short trip to the USA, where I had a joy and privilege of meeting [...]
We have had a very busy June with four “Outback” weekends attended by over a hundred couples [...]
We keep in close touch with the leaders of the Slaviensk church, just 15 km / 10 miles from the [...]
Inflation in Poland has reached 12.3% at the time of writing.. For many years Poland has been [...]
We established a number of links with Ukraine believers many years ago when we were helping the [...]
Meanwhile, in excess of a million women with their children are expected in Poland. The State [...]