August is already behind us and we continue to be thrilled to see Lord at work!
Firstly, Filip and I were invited to join 25 other international distributors of The Chosen series and visit Dallas, TX, to see filming stages of the currently produced 3rd season. As, I believe, many of you are aware – it is a series about the life of Jesus and His disciples, but in the format not seen before, providing more context on the possible daily lives of the characters. It is very attractive to contemporary viewers which was proved by over 409 million views just via their free application (“The Chosen: Stream the series”). You can also download it to your phone and be blessed!
Filip, Austin Reed Alleman (Nathaniel), Giavani Cairo (Thaddeus) and Andrzej Sobczyk (partnering distributor in Poland) on The Chosen set.
Millions have been moved to find out more about Jesus. We see it as an enormous opportunity and we pray that combined with our online follow-up towards discipleship, it will lead to a significant revival. Indeed, in Poland we pray for 15 million viewers (out of a 40-million population) and would like to see 2% (300,000) seriously deciding to follow Jesus! We are so excited about this opportunity! Massive promotion is planned: in TV, satellite, VOD, DVDs and in churches. Particularly small groups viewing the episodes together and then discussing them – that’s our dream. You may just imagine the challenge and the amount of work that is ahead! Please, pray for the multiplication of all the resources!
The international team of distributors and marketers for The Chosen.
Our time in Dallas was excellent, talking to the creators of the film, actors but also strategizing towards best usage of this opportunity in our context. Thank you, Lord!
Our annual conference this year was themed around The Chosen.
Given that background, it is obvious why we planned our annual e-coach conference to be on a subject “You are Chosen”. Chosen to be in Jesus. Chosen to be fishermen. Chosen to be the light to the world. Our speakers were – Eric Celerier, a dear, long-term Friend, founder of and initiator of daily reading notes “A miracle every day”, currently read by around one million people in various languages, written presently by multiple authors including my Bogusia in Polish; and Oliver Raper, for many years the director of Christian Vision, a great motivator and speaker. So you may just imagine we had a great time – time that only the Lord can prepare! For the first time – we had the conference in 3 languages – alongside Polish we had Ukrainian, as a number of Ukrainian partners participated, as well as English, given the “Grow Your Life” platform leaders came too.
During our conference Oliver Raper (UK) was sharing about the challenges of the modern culture we live in and opportunities for the Gospel.
Eric Celerier (FR) was reminding us that we were chosen to be with Jesus, to be the fishermen and the light to the world.
The conference was a really special time of connecting, getting to know each other better and rejoicing in the Lord for all the good things He is doing.
In the meantime, the “regular” work goes on, with approximately 80 new people signing up for the online discipleship courses daily! Thank you, dear Friends, for your prayers. This whole ministry has outgrown us long ago, now we just want to follow Jesus’ lead.
And in just a few days, with dear American friends, we shall go for a very short visit to Ukraine, for time of prayer and encouragement. And then start again an “Outback season” – we will participate and co-organize three Outback camps in September/October. Life is full, but exciting! We should serve the Lord as long as we can.
Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you would join us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure so much your friendship!
God bless you!
If anyone would be prompted to support our mission, please, contact me directly or click the button below: Every donation helps!
September prayer requests
From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)
“You gave me the light of hope and I finally stopped lying to myself and realized that I am under the influence of an addiction that is destroying my health and life”
– Course “Addiction to pornography”“I liked the course very much. It is informative and is designed to help the addicted person, not stigmatize them.”
– Course “Freedom From Pornography”“I feel like this course has given me strength to fight the problem. I really want to get it out of my life, I think this is the first good step towards it.”
– “Stop Pornography for Women” course“This is a very well-designed course that makes you aware of the scale of the problem, and at the same time gives you specific tips on what to do to protect your own children. Thank you!”
– Course “How to protect a child from pornography?”
“Very helpful because this advice is truly effective – one can sense the personal conviction of the author (s) and their reliance on the authority of the Scriptures.”
– “HALT Strategy” course