Every month Henryk Krol (leader of DeoLink) shares a written update about the impact of the ministry. Subscribe to receive it by email.
Theoretically, harvest time in Poland is in July/August, but for us this year it was May. We [...]
New courses We have just released two new on-line courses, “How to pray” and study of James [...]
Billy Graham was, for us, a symbol of the best, Christ focused preaching. It was our highest [...]
I was moved by a mail received recently on our evangelistic platform: “I came to your web page [...]
1. The steady growth of our discipleship platform. Over 159,000 people are now part of the [...]
First, our heartfelt thanks to all of you who prayed for our first granddaughter, Heidi, who [...]
Annual e-coach conference – moving time of testimonies, fellowship, encouragement and getting [...]
Time flies by so fast that this mail is reaching you later than usual. Sorry for that. There [...]
This text best explains my feelings toward you, Friend! We are to use this Epistle as the key [...]