Ah well, the traditional vacation season is over and we are very thankful for a slightly slower pace of work, it has provided a chance to reflect on where we want to go!
Led by our development coach, (Zach Clark) we have assessed the impact achieved (by God’s grace) in 2014 – 2020.
Summing up the verified numbers (using external evaluation tools and agencies) we were moved by how good God has been! The whole DEOrecordings ministry has long since far outstripped what we might have expected from our own abilities.
As we observe around a back turn of many from faith, such a record is a real miracle! Well, we are aware that we are just one link in the chain of the process ordained by the Lord in the life of every interested individual. There are many influences abroad. This is why we do not “claim” it is by us! But are thankful, that the efforts of hundreds of people involved, including you, friends, as a prayer warrior is not in vain!
“Woman’s breakfast” – YES – this year live!
As always our band “Cześć” was accompanying and brought a lot of joy!
We just finished our annual e-coach conference titled “Together further”. Once again it was wonderful! Some 130 people attended in person while others were on-line. Unity, passion and direct goals – to DOUBLE the outcomes and impact! A special Lord’s “smile” to us was when one young man, Peter, a drug addict, alcoholic, totally lost, who came to the conference “by accident”, from Nick Vujicic responders listing. He was so touched, that he has given his life to Jesus, on the spot! What a joy!
As our strategy works so well, why not extend it even more? What a challenge! But we do have people, plans, objectives, and we want to focus on our leader the Lord Jesus Christ! We pray for major financial resources that a re needed to trigger it!
This year we’ve had more time to talk in small groups and build relationships.
More good news. Our youngest son, Szczepan with his family has returned to Poland after 7 years spent in Austria! His primary goal is to help our ministry grow. He is a serious specialist in IT, who was instrumental in launching our main digital discipleship tool GELE – so we are thrilled! Not to mention, that having whole family nearby is a great joy!
Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
If anyone would be prompted to support our mission, please, contact me directly or click the button below: Every donation helps!
Progress on prayer requests:
September prayer requests: