Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland! Summer is over, we were able to rest and “catch a breath,” after a super-busy Spring (it’s a wonderful feeling!).
From August 15 the tempo increased. Travel to US. Preparations for our Annual E-Coach Conference. In house “Total Discipleship” training, (already for the 3 rd time this year) for new partners who want to launch their Internet ministry. Publications. An Outback seminar with Mack Ogren, International Director of JH Outback. Software innovations. And back to normal but at a speed we’ve never quite reached before!
The annual E-Coach Conference was wonderful! Over 200 volunteers participated this year, a time of spiritual stimulation, encouragement and identifying new goals. Our main speaker was Oliver Raper, European Director of Christian Vision, a Global Internet ministry active in 96 countries! We had also a wonderful time of singing praises to the Lord, led by our band “Czesc”!
At the conference, launched a new “daily devotions”, written by Bob Gass. We were using them for many years in our Radio CCM network, but they are now being released in multiple formats: paper brochure, e-book, daily e-mail and phone application. I found for myself that reading in the morning top quality thoughts of specially anointed writers brings a real blessing! It is also a part (just part!) of our Total Discipleship strategy. I have learned from JH Outback – to write a daily journal, after my quiet time. Now I am reading five (!) different materials, besides the Bible, it is wonderful to see how it all helps to make my day really effective! I encourage you to do this same! You do not need to start with five, of course!
There is no way I could describe in this short newsletter all our staff activities, but there is a good sense of momentum, new ideas spontaneously popping out and then tested.
Friends, Thank you for your continuous friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
September prayer requests: