Love and greetings in our Lord! September was a great, busy month when a lot of things were happening! Outback weekends, conferences, time for planning and lots of new energy. And our son, Szczepan has joined our staff! Our deepest prayer is that all those activities will turn into lasting fruit, real life changes to the many of our contacts!
Again and again, we are touched to see how many people open up for the gospel at Outback weekends, when presented in loving, kind and understandable way! And when they have time to reflect! This is why “outback” – a place of being apart of busy life, all the phones, disruptions… and focusing on the Message, shared in different formats… Number of couples were reconciled, many teenagers expressing for the first time in their life how parents are important for them and how they love them… many moving moments… All worth the massive effort of over a hundred of volunteers involved in setting it up. Now we have two places in Poland where weekends are placed, but we pray for more in the coming years…
One of the challenges is its scalability. How to interact with more people, in much bigger scale? This is why we are so enthusiastic about the “Pieces” project. We were invited to a major spiritual follow-up project that looks extremely promising as far as connecting with a major group of young people who do not know Jesus Christ. Namely, a Hollywood (Christian) producer, Jaco Booyens is preparing a Netflix tv show titled “Pieces” on youth problems that are somehow answered at a Christian camp (JH Ranch – Outback). Jaco’s former film – “8 Days” on child trafficking had 200 million views on Netflix, so now we expect this could be a similar case. We all know that contemporary culture is moulded by tv shows and games. The idea is – to extend every episode of a film with a direct explanation of how Jesus can answer the issue described, this on our new online platform created for this project by our ministry, already tested over number of years. We would help with creating a technical backbone, training of volunteers, content creation of courses and partnership development, many (!) e-coaches will be needed. During filming of the first episode – 2 young Hollywood actors got saved, they are willing to share their story in “courses” videos (!).The target audience is 15 – 25 year old. Even if 1% would respond, this would require a major effort to take care of all who approach asking for an e-coach. International, major coalition for follow-up is in preparation, with Europe being the initiating coordinator of digital disciple making. Please, pray with us it all will happen! To the glory of our Lord! I believe we may use here also our new English platform, “Grow Your Life”, that the Lord is preparing for something wonderful!
Several new, great courses were added to our portfolio. On family issues, suicidal thoughts, discipleship in a very practical way. And many more are in the plans! Yes, when Jesus told us to “Go to the World and make disciples” – He did not meant geographical continents (like Arctica) – but – where people are! And today – the majority of World’s population has access to the Internet! Let us utilize this tremendous, cost-effective opportunity in the best possible way, led by His Spirit!
“The Art of Communication” is the first of three courses aimed at married couples. Let’s learn to talk to each other the right way and most problems will be solved immediately, or they will become irrelevant altogether!
“Choose Life” – this is a course for people who are in a life crisis, during which suicidal thoughts often appear.
Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
If anyone would be prompted to support our mission, please, contact me directly or click the button below: Every donation helps!
Progress on prayer requests:
October prayer requests: