Love and greetings in our Lord! We often think about you and pray for you, Friends, as we know about the illnesses and struggles many of our friends have. The real encouragement and hope comes from Jesus, who loves us. I have experienced His closeness in a special way, recently.
The present season is always the most effective in the year as we see not only current activities but the results from many of the efforts that we have under undertaken!
So much is happening! All the programs (Internet disciple making, Polish and (recently, in the pipeline ) English, “Grow Your Life”, tens of new filmed testimonials and materials on transformed lives, inspiring personalized daily reading notes, many small group meetings and counselling, etc.
Joyful moment during the call with our development coach – Zach Clark.
For me and Filip (Henio’s son, now CEO) – a highlight was our recent trip to America we made as soon as the borders were reopened for Europeans. What a fantastic, highly encouraging and inspiring trip it was! We met a number of our special friends and partners in Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta and Chicago and were immensely blessed! Thank you, Lord!
Yes, we have a new enthusiasm and “power” to use our lives 100% for the Great Commission Call of Jesus. The beauty is that we, a small, Polish group of people devoted to digital processes of making disciples can complement some of the major organizations by sharing our experience and technology.
Also, we met with the producer of the afore mentioned “Pieces” series, Jaco Booyens, that is to be played on Netflix in the summer of 2022. We pray for 100 million young viewers and with many of them going to the follow-up track prepared together with Jaco, JH Ranch and us. Also, the doors are open for helping to utilize the great series: “The Chosen”. More about it later.
Jaco Booyens is a producer for the “Pieces” series coming in 2022 to Netflix. He has a huge hearth for human trafficking and connecting with modern culture to share Jesus.
We were also greatly inspired by talking to Nick Vujicic and his colleagues, – they are adjusting to fantastic, new digital opportunities to reach the whole World with an automatic translation tool into 36 languages, real time, and we are to utilize our platform to help with the follow-up! Thank you, Jesus!
Nick Vujicic is starting a new push for the digital outreach. He’s implementing a new technology of real-time automatic translation to 36 languages. See the example here.
Personalized, daily readings are also so important in a believer’s life, so we met with a dear friend Phil James, who manages such a global network who we are planning to help with a universal phone application. Things move forward!
Together with Phil James. We’re blessed to be using “The Word for You Today” for many years now – first in the Radio, now also printed / email / app / ebook / messenger.
Here with long-time friends and partners Roland Heinz and his daughter Cassandra Mittelberg and Bill and Deanne Spuck.
We are in the middle of a 4 year long Capital Campaign trying to raise significant funding for the capacity and impact growth of our ministry up to the end of 2024. Again, as a special answer to prayers – (and in a totally unexpected way) we see some money coming! Thank you for your prayers for this real need, too. And may the Lord greatly bless all of you, dear partners!
Just after a very productive NEC (501.3c structure that helps us to fundraise in the US) board meeting. New board member – John Handelsman with his wife Jeannie, Henry, Krzysztof Budzisz (Radio CCM CEO), Wes Griffin and Filip.
Together with long time friend – Joshua Toepper, who had a significant role in the creation of our flagship discipleship platform – Gele.
Short stop in Chicago, where we met with Jon and Diana Gauger, long term friends from Moodie Bible Institue.
Several or recipients of this newsletter have been asking for our family news.
Filip, his wife Justyna and two small kids, Pawel and Miriam are doing well, kids often getting some flu, kind of normal in this season of the year. Filip is extremely busy as my successor but is coping really well.
Our Paulina is working in her new job in Gdansk but is highly involved with our ministry activities, and also as a translation coordinator.
Szczepan with his wife Marysia and two children, Heidi that was born with very serious heart problems but now has recovered (Thank you for prayers) and Esther, have moved back to Poland after 7 years in Austria, in order to help our ministry. Szczepan has succumbed to Covid and is currently working in isolation. They are such a blessing!
And my wife, Bogusia, is in the heart of everything, working with translation and soon writing her own daily devotionals. She gets more and more beautiful every day!
We have recently received, via Netherlands – a video testimony for a polish Miracle Every Day, that is attached here:
Also, You’ll learn more about our present focus in my talk to the Lausanne Conference held in November, that I attach for all interested:
A talk for the Lausanne Europe Conference held in November 2021, sharing more about our background and the vision.
Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit! The Lord is answering prayers, indeed!
If anyone would be prompted to support our mission, please, contact me directly or click the button below: Every donation helps!
Progress on prayer requests:
December prayer requests: