Spring is an excellent time to work and plan. We here in Wisla are working full speed on a number of ministries and projects, described on our new web page, at www.deolink.org. Yes, mission and outreach are a MUST, if we want to survive in our western culture. It is not an addition to our church agenda; this MUST be a key focus!
Spring is an excellent time to work and plan. We here in Wisla are working full speed on a number of ministries and projects, described on our new web page, at www.deolink.org. Yes, mission and outreach are a MUST, if we want to survive in our western culture. It is not an addition to our church agenda; this MUST be a key focus!
As you are, no doubt, aware, Andrzej, the World is changing with unprecedented speed. Recent pro-Palestinian unrests at most prestigious universities in USA and in the West, hundreds of white, rich students converting to Islam – made it tangible, that Islam is now openly implementing their plan to conquer the World. What seemed ridiculous a few years ago, is now becoming a reality!
Yes, we Christians are happy to report growth of the Church in Africa and some parts of Asia, but Europe is almost lost! Let’s face reality – The World is under a fierce attack.
Rejecting the existence of TRUTH! Romans 1/21 comes to mind. We witness a fight between Good and evil. Why? Because the choice is only between believing God or believing God’s enemy.
Planing group for next Outbacks
Why do I write all this? I pray, that the Lord will mobilize more and more each one of us, believers in Jesus Christ, to be proactive in sharing His Gospel. Yes, it is the only way of salvation! Not mere religion, but a personal relationship with Jesus – the daily “air that we breathe”. Share your testimony with a stranger. Pray for it. Yes, you also may become a coach to people over the Internet, talking with people who really wants to listen! You may support financially. It is a real war and, like in every war, – the supply chain is as important as the front-line troops. It is proven true over and over again in the nearby war in Ukraine.
Prague event – EGCC Summit with Adam Walach, the Founder and Grand Webster, CEF
Seeing this urgency, we want even more to accelerate all our digital efforts. We pray for a ten-fold increase of our reach… 500 million “touches”, 5 million starting their journey to Jesus, 1 million – people growing their faith, 700.000 – walking with other Christians on that journey (Church), 50.000 – engaging in multiplication. How to accomplish that? By helping other organizations doing what they are already doing in their territories. Digital tools that we offer are increasing the outcomes. We work all the time on the best ideas to catch the attention of secular people.
What is our financial goal for international donations for the next 36 months? It is $3 million (!). Please, pray that this will become a fact.
We have great professional team of 35, some 400 volunteers (Unpaid Team Members), 2.200 The Chosen Ambassadors. We have a plan. Now we pray for money! We pray also for wisdom and God’s blessing.
The Chosen ambassadors came with children coloring book based on The Chosen
at Missional.AI in Orlando with Scott Beck (Gloo) Eric Celerier (ZeWatchers) and our Tadeusz Polok
At Prague EGCC Summit
Benediction of our grandchild, David Krol (King)
And our happy family
In Gdansk, visit with our staff Adam and Justyna
In Gdansk meeting new Outback organizing group
Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you joined us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship!
God bless you!
Henryk Król
If anyone would be prompted to support our mission, please, contact me directly or click the button below. Every donation helps!
From SzukajacBoga.pl (PL), GrowYourLife.net (EN), DrugiKrok.pl (PL), Nadiya.in.ua (UA)