We live all the time under the unremitting pressure of the Russian/Ukrainian war. Poland is being very supportive of the Ukrainians coming over our border; to date their number has exceeded three million. Poland have been totally annexed from access to Russian gas and coal, however life still goes on.
Inflation in Poland has reached 12.3% at the time of writing..
For many years Poland has been telling Europe, that Russia would use its minerals for political purposes. Now it has proved to be true.
Most Ukrainians who presently live in Poland want to return home, if it ever becomes possible. But in many cases their towns have been totally decimated . Many have gone to other European countries and to the USA, but some 35% want to stay permanently in Poland. A vast majority live with Polish families, in their small flats shared by hosts who also provide food, the majority having no expectation of receiving any money for it. There is no complaining and the sympathy for the tragic situation of most of moms with children is overwhelming. But there is a massive need to provide some more permanent lodgings. We have started a program in Poland to help refurbish houses and flats so that families could live there independently for at least 12 months.
More on our Ukrainian effort is at the link below:
We want to express our profound gratitude to you for sending money towards Ukrainian aid! We are prayerfully using that money in the most needed areas, using many connections with trustworthy believers we’ve known for years aiding in the distribution.
There are constant media reports highlighting the critically difficult situation of millions of people living in a war zone, pushed into basements, without food or water, dying bodies in the streets. We can’t help being tempted to just feel helpless, daunted by the enormity of the problem, but it opens another opportunity to pray, share and help.
We are, of course, not the only people who are helping; there are literally thousands of initiatives being pursued. But we try to react fast, with laser-beam precision, meeting the biggest needs, both spiritual and humanitarian.
Many of you are sending us money, via our 501c3 US structure, New Europe Communications in the USA. Thank you once again very much! We are just a channel in this process.
The information on giving money from USA is here: http://nec.ccm.pl/ukraine/
From other countries – just write to me: hkrol@ccm.pl
But the only way to stop all the wars (there are so many more across the world) – would be if everybody would surrender to the God of the Bible. We know it will never happen, but those who yield are transformed and have a deep motivation to help and serve others instead of ruling over them. This is one of the problems that only God can resolve.
Because it is a spiritual warfare.
As you know so well, our ministry try to evangelize and make disciples of Jesus for all who are interested by using the media so that outreach would be scalable, could reach multitudes. “Reaching millions, walking with individuals”. Are you aware, that today 6.64 billion people own a smartphone, most having access to the Internet? What an incredible opportunity to share the gospel! This is what is our priority. But it is not so simple, of course. Our approach is to use every means of communication available to us to lead all those interested (through a thorough process) to ultimately becoming a multiplying follower of Christ. It requires a major effort and total commitment, but it is working. Every day some 1.000 messages are exchanged with seekers, just in the Polish language. Now we have also an English language platform: “Grow your life” https://growyourlife.net/ and our new Ukrainian course platform, https://nadiya.in.ua/ . Even today, as I write this we are filming a course in Ukrainian.
Well, on top of all the forgoing, our Polish ministry is also proceeding at full speed, with a number of new projects, good development, etc.
Friend, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit! The Lord is answering prayers, indeed!
May prayer requests: