May 2021

At last, the grass is getting greener, even in Poland! It is still chilly, but the sunny days are getting warmer and warmer and our mood is getting lighter and lighter! This despite the negative attitude of much of the media.

Filming a new video course for married couples.

Outback committee meeting – preparing for 2021’s Outbacks in Poland. Due to restrictions and current laws we will have some limitations but we want to answer to God’s call and great demand and organize 4-5 events this year.

A great opportunity…

Have you ever dared to dream of ways of telling millions of people how Jesus has a plan for each of them to have a totally fulfilled life? I am praying a lot about it, as the world around is changing all the time and methods of communicating the gospel must change in tandem, obviously. What would you do, if there were no obstacles, enough resources, and God on your side? (Mt.28,18-20) Let’s pause here a little and give it some serious thought.

Today’s culture and politics are governed by the media. Films, and even more, TV shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime are moulding current fashion which passive customers seem to adopt en masse.

God in His grace has challenged a film producer, Jayco Booyens, who, in a “divine appointment” contacted Bruce Johnson, founder of JH Ranch and Outback ministry (often mentioned in Update) to create a secular series for Netflix based on the problems of six different young people who ended up at a Christian camp and were greatly helped by the ministry there. Jayco has previously produced a number of movies and shows viewed by over 100 million people! Filming is to start this summer, with a premiere before the end of the year!

We all pray that many people (100 million?) will be confronted, for the first time ever with the clear biblical solution for their life. We believe many will be touched by the Holy Spirit.

This is where we want to step in using our already validated approach to follow-up.

…and a challenge

Adding the follow-up component to meet a huge scale of the project… Our approach for digital discipleship is to offer follow-up online courses after every episode in the series that would go deeper into explaining the spiritual implications of following Jesus and the necessary response. All that with personal Coach who leads the conversation to Christ. What an enormous opportunity and challenge! The biggest I was ever confronted with in my lifetime! The reason I talk to you, *|FNAME|*, about it is to ask your prayers for this incredible opportunity! Thousands of individuals and churches needs to be mobilized. Major resources found. Yes, it is a God-sized project! You may just imagine, what a major plan is needed! Over and above this, we aim to run in Poland all the regular activities, e.g. camps, new courses, new books published, etc.

While mentioning books, we are getting into the final stage of production of our family book, “Sure Foundation”, as we have just received from Joni Eareckson-Tada her foreword for it. Still praying for the best publisher in the US.

Our annual e-coach conference is planned August 27-29, 2021 in Bielsko-Biała. You are welcomed!

New quarterly issue of “Word for Today” for June, July and August!


Thank you so much to all of you (so many!) who have been helping us financially to make those things happen! The Lord is helping us a month at a time.

If you would like to donate to help us reaching new people, press the “donate” button below. Every $50 USD / £37.50 / 43 Euros allows us to reach 20 new people!

Thanks to our Friends at 4DMinistries You can make your gift by clicking here:

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Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!


Answered April prayers:

Progress on prayer requests:

  • Our staff is currently free from coronavirus. Something we do not take for granted,
  • Further increase in number of people taking courses continued in the first quarter!
  • Several new episodes of “The Bible Project” in Polish released and viewed by thousands,
  • Good implementation of our Salesforce

Friends, please pray

May prayer requests:

  • Special leading in the huge project of the follow-up to the TV series.
  • Wisdom to plan 2021 events – workshops, conferences, camps.
  • Better business for our Radio CCM work, businesses starting to advertise again.
  • There is still a delay in getting an order to pay for Radio 10 year license extension due February 2021. The cost will be $110.000 / £82.430 / 92,300 Euros. Yes, we pray for a miracle! Still waiting for it!
  • Continuing asking the Lord’s help and mercy for a dear, close friend and mentor of mine, a man God used many times in my life, Phill Butler, who is suffering with cancer. Please, keep on praying.
  • Continuing good health for our whole team in these Corona times.
  • New courses in production, to meet current needs of people
  • Finalizing building of a new centre for our church. When it is complete we plan to use it for our numerous conferences and outreach events.

Poland, April 2021 in numbers:

  • 21,648 people visited our evangelistic pages
  • 1,823 people requested follow-up
  • 423 evangelistic courses completed

How do daily “Word for Today” devotionals affect your life?

  • “Despite my desire, I postponed reading the Bible. And now I’m reading. Thank you”.
  • “I started reading Word for Today in a difficult time. Thanks to it, I’m encouraged to make a difference in my life for the better”.
  • “Word for Today motivates me to have daily contact with the Word of God”.
  • “I appreciate these devotionals very much. They give a lot of precious and deep thoughts”.
  • “Word for Today” often lifts my spirits and is a great help from God”.
  • “Word for Today is God’s answer to my problems, dilemmas and worries”.
  • “Thanks to the morning reflection on a given passage, I can control my behavior better and shape my character according to God’s word, so that I become more and more like Jesus”.
  • “First of all, Word for Today allows you to get to know God better, but also inspires to think, teaches and gives refreshment in difficult times”.
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