How fast is the World turning? Sometimes I have a feeling it’s spinning faster and faster, accelerating more opportunities for ways to impact the future of many individuals (one day, hopefully, of millions) to make a personal commitment to Christ. On the other hand Jesus calls us to rest, have peace of mind, forgive, be gentle and sensitive to others, not only those who are “loveable”, but even our enemies. What a challenge! Due to this pressure of travel and multiple meetings, we had to bring this Update as bi-monthly. Sorry for that!
As our team is growing, so is our productivity and the number of projects we can be involved with. Creative people want to explore their own ideas as well, do their own videos, test new inspirations but, at the same time, we have a full load of daily work maintaining a system that works well, thousands of on-line students, improving software versions, adding new functions. How happy I am that my son Filip took over all the daily operations and I can focus on the future (as strange as that may sound, me being the oldest member of the staff!).
We had the pleasure to spending some days with Oliver Raper, European director of Christian Vision; a UK based evangelistic organization active in 192 countries(!), Oliver, being a man of many gifts and accomplishments. We are now analyzing cooperation in areas of on-line discipleship, using our Gele software platform. Many people are praying for new converts to be brought to the next steps of spiritual maturity and commitment.
Also, we were visited by David Gavrilovic, who is European Director of the Nick Vujicic ministry – “Life without Limbs”. They are planning, in June 2, 2019, a major meeting in the Polish city of Wroclaw at the football stadium and expecting 40.000 people! 40 churches came together to prepare this event. Even though it sounds a huge task, the Lord has already used Nick’s special gifts and illness in many places of the World on an unprecedented scale. Last year, in Kiev, Ukraine, 800.000 people came to the famous Majdan square and surrounding streets to listen to the message of reconciliation and freedom in Jesus! We want to help with the digital follow-up: texting, offering on-line courses, first in Polish but working all over the World! Please, pray with us for God’s wisdom to make optimum use this enormous opportunity!
Nick Vujicic with 150 000 people in Kiev, Ukraine, 2017… We hope to see that this year in Poland!
I was also, with a young colleague from our staff, Robert – at the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Los Angeles. It was a wonderful time of networking, sharing experience, learning, showing our solutions – etc. I had some 22 meaningful meetings in that time. A number of new ideas emerged, relations deepened and plans made… We came back really happy!
NRB was always a great place for networking. This year we’ve had over 20 meaningful meetings!
Together with Harold Sala – long time friend that helped us a lot in the past. Here awarded with “Radio Impact” award.
We had also a good Board meeting of our Association, in a beautiful unity and thankfulness to the Lord for His obvious blessing.
Our Internet coordinator, Norbert together with the team is also organizing a number of regional conferences “Make disciples” for our e-coaches and potential candidates, in several cities of Poland. In March we were in city of Kolobrzeg and Lublin, in April we go to Gdansk. Yes, we pray for more e-coaches, as there is huge need for people, who want to lead interested enquirers to Christ, online and offline.
We also look to find a new format of an evangelistic meeting that unbelievers would be interested to attend. The first one we did was centered about family relationships topic. We didn’t see a huge success in reaching non-church people so this a thing we want discuss more and prepare better for the next time.
We need your prayers more then ever before!
Friends, Thank you for all your friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Yours in Him
Progress on February prayer requests
April prayer requests: