Warm greetings from Poland! How good it is to be in the hands of our Lord, not needing to be afraid of Coronavirus, just taking sensible precautions and trusting in God’s mercy and protection!
I was traveling a lot recently and seeing hundreds of people panicking, wearing masks, etc, while in the meantime thousands more are dying of cancer and we accept that, it makes us think about “sheep without a shepherd”. From God’s perspective, many of our dreams and plans are “from straw” and cannot withstand even a small fire. But we have an alternative – to stay rooted in Christ and get His Word’s perspective on what matters, then focus on that. It is eternity in the presence of God, in heaven! But now, as long as we are here we invite more people to walk the narrow way.
A number of our projects are developing well, the staff are really busy. We are translating books, like Bobb Biehl’s “Decade By Decade”, also Greg Ogden, “Discipleship Essentials”. We’ve just launched a new on-line course “How to read the Bible”, and are finishing two on-line courses with Joni Eareckson-Tada. In preparation are various summaries and reports on 2019. Meanwhile, daily we are being contacted by hundreds of people via our Gele platform.
Last weekend we’ve held a conference for Outback leaders from Poland and other European countries with some great help from the US team.
Yes, a lot of work, but going smoothly and harmoniously. This is due in no small part to the fact that from March 1 my son, Filip, became President of all Studio DR activities. Studio DR is one of the three companies owned by our non-profit Deorecordings Association. As a president of the association this helps me to focus on the vision and the big picture.
Together with our friend and former NEC board member Allen Weed. Allen leads “Interlinc” – an innovative ministry focusing on the young generation and christian music.
Polish Outback leaders started regular meetings in preparation for the 2020’s events.
Together with Boni Sala, a daughter of our long-time friend and former NEC board member Harold Sala and our colleague Robert Cieślar.
Great time of fellowship and inspiration during JH Outback board meeting at the Grands Plantation, AL. Part of the discussion was JH Outback European development which we will be leading in the coming years.
At this year’s NRB convention we’ve sensed a strong conviction that the religious freedom and general acceptance of Christianity may be endangered in the years to come.
Friends, Thank you for your continuous friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Progress on prayer requests:
March prayer requests: