March 2016

February, longer than usual this year, has passed really fast. I was traveling extensively, first, going to the Outback Board meeting in the US as the only non-American invited to be a member. It was a great experience, meeting new people who want to help families to keep biblical rules in their households. It is a fight against the tide, but already thousands of people were deeply impacted by this wonderful ministry.

Poland is the only European country to be using “Outback” but it is also happening In Asia, Africa and New Zealand. We plan three weekends this year and would ask you to pray for them. Guests who come usually have major tensions in their families, e.g., parent/child, husband/wife. We have seen many miraculous transformations. This pushes us to expand the work, also inviting friends from surrounding countries so that they could experience it and, if moved to, start similar work in their own countries. It seems the Ukraine will be the next country in Europe.

Great time during Outback Board meeting in US. Outback is a growing ministry impacting new countries all around the world.

Mike Ogren – international director of Outback. A great blessing to Poland!

Then, together with Krzysztof Budzisz (radio network CEO) I attended the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville. We go there every few years to see what is happening in the religious broadcasting world and to renew old friendships. I had 13 meetings with friends and our partners in the ministry. We agreed with Flossie McNeil from Pacific Garden Mission, (source of the “Unshackled” radio dramas), that we shall now incorporate Polish stories into programs and they will perhaps later be translated into English(!).
Everybody at NRB does something we can learn from or be inspired by. From our side, our CODEX by Gele software platform, developed by our team, raised much interest among various organizations. Five new parties are interested in testing it.

Main room at National Religious Broadcasters convention.

And last, short trip to Belfast. Bogusia & I went there to talk to Christian printers and ask them to print for us 150,000 copies of a special version of the Gospel of John. We were accompanied by Peter Pilon and his wife Else, who have introduced us to several of their good friends. It was a wonderful fellowship with godly people, very stimulating and encouraging. And the bottom line was our prayers were answered and we shall get the gospels printed for free!!! Hallelujah!

Moving stories of tension and fights between Irish and British as shared by Thomas Jennings. Only Christ could bring peace.

In the meantime, the daily work goes on at full speed. Krzysztof and his team are working on new programs for the Spring schedule. The audience numbers fluctuates, but overall the trend is upwards. At present though, the audience has fallen slightly please pray the new programs produce a rise.Norbert (e-coaches coordinator) is highly involved with the Polish Internet outreach. As it grows in many directions, we pray for new leaders to join the team. We need at least three extra people to cope with the opportunities.

Our software team is working on the next version of our successful e-learning software. They have new ideas, how to improve the system and make it faster, responding to needs of seekers but also easing the workloads of e-coaches. Seeing the global demand for it puts even more tension on the team. We are still looking for two more qualified people to join it.

Several of you were asking if I’d decided to restart my radio and blog programs as described in the last “Update”. Yes, I want to go back to do the radio programs, five minutes alternate days, and then, with (hopefully) increased traffic after “World Youth Days” in July 2016, add a daily blog. A huge challenge, indeed. But we should use every opportunity to spread the Message, and if it works –keep going!

On the personal note – our son, Filip, has just turned 30! What a blessing he is to us and our ministry!

Well, dear Friend, as you see, we still desperately need your prayers. God’s will is our ultimate goal, reading it, working towards fulfillment and implementation, this is our passion.

Yours very thankfully,

Thank You Lord

Progress on February prayer requests

  • Great, stimulating and fruitful trips to meet partners
  • Unshackled to use also Polish stories
  • Printing 150.000 Gospels of John for free (!)
  • Spirit of unity and passion among staff and volunteers
  • Progress on the translation of the movie “Gospel of John”

Please pray

March prayer requests

  • Growth for Radio audience, after January /February slow-down
  • Still more new people to join staff and volunteers as the needs grow;
  • Still struggling with the Bible copyright issue for our new mobile applications in Polish. Recently refused a license by one major Bible publisher.
  • Resolving that issue as we have already all components ready for release.
  • Still struggling with the subcontracted work on new applications that are seriously delayed; (a.) “Like Jesus” daily bible verses adjusted to the individual profile of every person and (b.) new multimedia resource streaming/downloading system. There is still a lot of work to be done on it!
  • New mobile application to accompany “Living Gospel of John” that demands lot of work on our side!!!
  • New energy for our volunteers, who daily spend time with seekers
  • Preparing a comprehensive strategy for leading thousands of young Catholics on WYD towards a close relationship with Jesus

February 2016 in numbers:

  • weekly radio audience is 790 000
  • 26 592 people visited our evangelistic page
  • 18 758 people visited landing pages
  • 364 people requested follow-up
  • 84 people finished evangelistic courses

Messages from seekers

  • Does God has a plan for everybody?
    Woman, 25-34
  • How to believe in all times?
    Man, 35-44
  • Hello. What is the sens of life?
    Woman, 18-21
  • How to forgive somebody that hurt me very much?
    Woman, 35-44
  • How can I get to know God and find the sens of life?
    Man, 22-24
  • I’m not so young anymore and it’s sad for me that I look for God so late in my life. I’m lost and confused and I can’t change it…
    Woman, 55-64
  • I don’t see any meaning in life. Nothing holds me in this world. I go to sleep with hope that the next day will be my last. I’m afraid of people, I don’t like meeting new people. I think I’m still not strong enough to commit suicide.
    Man, 25-34
  • Hello. I don’t see any sens in life. I’m afraid and hopeless. I don’t see the reason why I’m here. Nothing goes right in my work and school. I have problems with my kids, I don’t have time for them. I’m tired and afraid of people, always sleepy and thinking about death. I have so much but I can’t rejoice in that. What to do?
    Woman, 35-44
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