Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland! How are you doing, friend? We are often praying for you, our dear friend from far away. This pandemic is showing the vulnerability of life. How thankful we are that “our lives are in His hands” (Coloss: ch. 3, vs.3).
But as long as He wants us to be here, we pray we’ll faithfully use all the opportunities He has prepared for us according to His riches, not limiting it by our resources, fear or comfort. Keeping a balance – staying wise, but also pro-active, listening to His voice and guidance.
My health situation has stabilized – all the medical tests so far are OK. I am slowly regaining my strength. Some friends are joking it was lack of air trips that my body was missing. Thank you for your prayers! I deeply appreciate it!
We had so many on-line meetings that it became quite tiring. From the other side it allowed a new level of intimacy; prayer time with individuals that we never had before! Also, we learnt to abbreviate our meetings, going straight “to the point”, I actually quite like it. One of the rules I have learned from Bobb Biehl is; “try to say all you want in just 10% of your normal time”, a real aid to clarity!
Just a typical screen, that most of You know very well…
Yes, we’re all tired with the limitations of coronavirus, so we are more and bolder with planning, but also anticipating the return of off-line meetings. We hope and pray our Annual Conference, August 28 – 30 will take place in Wisla, in a hybrid format, on line and in the venue. We are so hungry for relations!
Just the last weekend – eight of our Outback leaders went 370 km to the East of Poland, to select a new place for our second September Outback. We had a wonderful time together (traveling in our minibus), and meeting our friends (local organizers and e-coaches). Yes, we found a beautiful place we would like to use that allows much bigger programs, up to 75 couples and 100+ volunteers. It is in Bieszczady Mountains, quite an attraction to many Poles. We were so positive, that we feel that in the future, if the Lord leads, we can consider using the venue for a whole “JH Ranch” experience, i.e. a six day program. As we had to cancel the three June Outback weekends that were prohibited by law, some small initiatives were conducted. For example, “micro” Outbacks in Mazury region. And in early July, “Outback on wheels”, cycling along the Polish Baltic coast, 30 km a day, for a week.
Outback TV was quite successful, with hundreds of viewers being contacted and encouraged in the days when no local meetings could be held.
Our software team has recently reached a new milestone, the latest version of our discipleship software package GELE, version 3.4. It is now introduced in Poland and quite soon will be available in all languages. It is a constant process of upgrading and adding new functionalities, to make it more user-friendly and effective.
A meeting of leaders discussing Nick Vujicic visit to Poland in 2021.
Our regular staff meetings.
Expedition to Bieszczady mountains – looking a new site for larger Outback camp.
We found it!
Micro Outback gatering at Mazury lake discrict, led by Jacek and Ela
Currently, we are compiling testimonials we have received from many of our contacts on how the ministry has brought them closer to the Lord. We intend to call it “A White Book of Testimonials”, evidence of how richly God has blessed us! So far we have pages filled with notes from thousands of people affected by the work in recent years. It is heart warming, indeed! We want to use it to bring many more people to get involved with Internet disciple-making and also encourage existing E-Coaches who are daily involved.
Also a Women’s Breakfast will be held 0n July 4 th in virtual domain. Many ladies would invite small groups of their friends to join with them to watch a program written and produced by our teams. We believe a record number could be impacted by such a format!
Friend, Thank you for your continuous friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Progress on prayer requests:
June/July prayer requests: