Warm greetings from Poland! Our volunteers and staff are quite busy all the time, but there are annual peaks in May-June and October-November. Many events happen as we are blessed with leaders who can act independently. We avoid centralization, seeing God working in many areas at once.
This year the Outback weekend preparations were more complex, as the “Big Top” tent had to be replaced, due to winter damage. Fortunately, our hosts at the H2O center found a donor who paid for a new one! Hallelujah! But we had to install a new stage, lights and decor in just 10 days before the first Czech Outback that uses the same premises as we use for our Polish Outbacks. Meanwhile, three young Poles went to help with a Ukraine Outback (and returned very happy and inspired). Where also US directors, Mack and Bill were present. Andrzej Pilch went to Croatia, and again, was joined by Steve from US – they helped with the first full-blown Croat Outback. We are constantly amazed at how this program connects with people and many decide to follow Christ and allow Him to transform their family lives! (The praise belongs to God.) Our last Outback was the best ever, extremely strong testimonies. Thank You, Lord, for giving us such a tool!
Wonderfull new tent – Big Top – at H2O
But it required a lot of work. This is a new stage under construction.
Mounting lights.
After our final decoration!
And this is during Outback 1.
At the same time, Filip and Robert went to the Jesus.net conference in Rotterdam, where the 10 th anniversary of the starting this work was celebrated. Actually, we in Poland started to collaborate with French and Dutch before that date, 13 years ago, with the first Polish web page being displayed on July 29, 2008. I will never forget this date; it pushed our media ministry in a new direction.
At Jesus. net conference – Filip getting recognition on behalf of Studio DR stuff – for Gele – Codex platform
Now we specialize in implementing measurable, effective discipleship – on line and off line. We are convinced this is of primary importance to the world of Christianity! We provide intensive training in using our tools methodology. I recently spent sic days with two ladies representing GDI (Global Discipleship Initiative) leader, Greg Ogden and LWL (Life without Limbs) leader, Nick Vujicic. In June we will provide training for four Americans representing two other ministries interested in on-line discipleship. It seems likely that we will have to provide another training course at the end of August as the demand continues to grow.
With Beth and Jean during our training in total discipleship. They represent Life Without Limbs (Nick Vujicic) and Global discipleship Initiative (With Greg Ogden).
June 2nd was the major event prepared by 50 local churches and ministries, 15,000 people met at a stadium in Wroclaw. Our ministry was providing the telephone follow-up program, based on text, courses, multimedia, church meetings, etc. This is the first time ever for Nick Vujicic that instead of an altar call to come forward, people were urged to send a text about their desire to give their lives to Jesus, 3.460 people responded! Please, pray for them, that it will transform their lives! If this proves practical and effective, the evangelist (Nick Vujicic) hopes to use this model all over the World and we plan to serve them, opening a new discipleship digital platform.
At Wroclaw stadium with Nick Vujicic.
Morning meeting of volunteers.
There was also an ELF (European Leadership Forum) recently, great opportunity to connect with old and new friends, very helpful!
Forum of European Leaders held in Wisla end May.
We went also to Czech, Prague (drove here overnight) where another conference is held, where our guys provide PA/multimedia requirements. It is good to be useful for a great purpose!
Friends, Thank you for all your friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Yours in Him
Progress on May prayer requests
June prayer requests: