Thank you for your prayers! A week ago, I returned safely from the Presidential Prayer Breakfast in Kiev, what was quite a new experience for me. The only way to get to Kiev is by train – overnight sleeping cars from the Polish border. Kiev is a huge, modern metropolis, it had, before the war, over 2.8 million inhabitants...
Special greetings from sunny Poland!
Thank you for your prayers! A week ago, I returned safely from the Presidential Prayer Breakfast in Kiev, what was quite a new experience for me. The only way to get to Kiev is by train – overnight sleeping cars from the Polish border. Kiev is a huge, modern metropolis, it had, before the war, over 2.8 million inhabitants. When I was there, the only reminder of the ongoing, cruel war was – at the central square, Maidan – over 50 000 small Ukrainian flags with names of every Ukrainian soldier who was killed until now – a very moving view! Not counting tens of thousands of civilians murdered in their places of habitat. The real battles are on the front lines
In Kiev with some international friends
One of several leadership gaterings with church people
Our gathering was a special one: for the first time the Ukrainian President, Mr Zelensky participated. Some 800 people joined, including international guests, mainly from the USA – politicians and humanitarian organization leaders. Now the main emphasis is to inform the West about real facts of the war, as there is a huge ongoing propaganda of Russia – via social media and bribed news channels – that believers in Ukraine are persecuted by their government, churches are being closed etc. While in reality, it is totally opposite! It is on occupied territories where churches are demolished, people aren’t allowed to gather, pastors are imprisoned and persecuted – I heard firsthand testimonials of several telling horrible but true stories. Satan is the father of lies!
We had several smaller meetings with church leaders, different groups of citizens, all well organized and very emotional.
Presidential prayer breakfast was attended by 800 people with President Zelensky
Visiting Bucha, a place of horror in the first days of invasion – a culture center
One of the dualling estates
A cemetery with symbolic name plates. 561 recognized bodies, 120 unrecognized, some 400 missing
At the main Majdan square in Kiev, over 50,000 small flags with names of killed soldiers
A week after my visit in Kiev horrible Russian rocket attack at largest children hospital in the country killed 31 people with many wounded.
At the same time, in Wisla, my wife Bogusia ran a major Women’s Breakfast, with over 500 ladies attending. This was the capacity of a hotel, but many more wanted to come. It was a huge blessing. The main theme was: “Lies and truth. How to make order in your head”.
Women breakfast in Wisla – over 500 ladies attended
Pauline, our daughter was giving a talk among others
And June was also filled with Outback family weekends – altogether we had 4 of them. Several people started their new relationship with Jesus, repairing their marriages in a special way.
Outback – is a miracle weekend that touches hearts of new people every time
But the normal work goes on all the time… My favorite verse is from the Book of Acts 2,47: “And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved”. Lately, we have seen between 100 and 200 new sign-ins to our discipleship platforms each day! It is just a beginning of a journey. All the glory to our Lord.
We also had great visits of friends from Bosnia, the Netherlands and USA, who use or consider using our digital platforms. Always wonderful to meet, encourage each other and enjoy the fellowship!
Few days together with friends from, sharing our approach to engaging new people into growth journeys
With friends from One Kingdom Ministry who came to learn more about our approach to digital disciplemaking
Two of our staff were invited by The Chosen team to visit the filming scene in Dallas, TX. They have just returned – happy and full of great impressions, with tons of filmed material for our social media. Yes, The Chosen is a fantastic tool for evangelism!
Oliver and Kuba at The Chosen filming site in Dallas – with Peter
International group of Social Media people at The Chosen base
And this is our Polish tent we use to promote The Chosen at various gattering
Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you joined us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship!
God bless you!
If anyone would be prompted to support our mission, please, contact me directly or click the button below. Every donation helps!
From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)