After a very busy June, with multiple events/camps/workshops, etc., we’ve now entered a slower time, what a release! It is like with planes – they use full throttle power just for start, and then must switch into cruise, because no engine would survive full speed all the time. (This is what I still remember from the days I was piloting planes.) So now we rest a little and work “regular” hours, a great relief! I wish you, Peter, this same feeling!
We are so thankful for the Lord’s guidance and provision! After the huge meetings in Wroclaw with evangelist, Nick Vujicic, our digital follow-up campaign proved to work much better than other systems; the new converts feel much more comfortable corresponding within our GELE platform than to immediately go to a church. It seems people are more relaxed about entering a place of worship after some months of growth. Initially 3,500 people responded to our system, then some 700 switched to a course developed by Nick himself. Many are now in regular touch with our e-coaches. Praise the Lord!
“Beginnings of faith with Nick Vujicic” – more than 700 people enrolled in this new course.
Planning committee for our annual conference that will take place August 30th to September 1st. If you would like to come, let us know as soon as possible.
Celebrating the update of the last remaining Gele2 platform (Portuguese language) to Gele3 version.
The Woman’s Breakfast for the 14th time! Over 800 woman and almost half for the first time!
Our media team taking care for the technicalities and video broadcast.
Together with Phil James (Bob Gass, The Word for You Today) discussing publishing and distribution in Poland – both printed and digital version.
June’s Outback “couples weekends” also went wonderfully! We are amazed every time to see God’s work of restoration and encouragement that happens in just 44 hours! This June we had 3 Outback weekends, the third one in a new location in eastern Poland, (Podkarpacie). It has been most encouraging to see how God is multiplying this initiative! We had also guests from UK, who have decided to start Outback in Great Britain!
During the third Outback in new location in eastern Poland.
Also in June, two rounds of Total Discipleship training, with guests from USA who want to get involved in digital discipleship using our tools and experience. It is fantastic to see a team of four Colombians, (led by Juan Bravo), who were with us for training a year ago, now run a wonderful ministry in Spanish and are being overwhelmed by the response. The Lord is great!
Total Discipleship training with Pastor Jody and Joshua from Atlanta. In the picture with Adam (our training coordinator) and Filip.
Friends, Thank you for your continuous friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Progress on June prayer requests
July prayer requests: