January / February 2025

We entered our 50th year of DeoLink (DEOrecordings, DEOdecyma) existence! What a joy, what a wave of thankfulness fills our hearts! As stated before, you are invited to a special event on May 17, 2025, to rejoice and thank together for Lord’s faithfulness and guidance! Many friends involved with us over the years plan to attend. It is on our hearts that it is a JOINED effort as the work has been created by you and a number of people, we remember but who are with the Lord now. But Jesus Christ has always been the head. To Him all the glory! Check our anniversary page to learn more about our 50 years!

Dear Friends,

The beginning of 2025 was so busy for us, that even writing my UPDATE was delayed! Good stuff only! Sometimes I feel embarrassed to write just positive information, as it may look like we do not report honestly… But I just express my genuine feelings, and I learned in the past that even difficult situations can have, after time, positive resolutions, just as the Bible says…

The end of December was, as always, full of annual summaries, evaluations and plans for the future. So many things are happening! If you read our UPDATE regularly, you know that we had the highest ever number of people who wanted to interact with us! The total number of people on our discipleship platform has exceeded 184 000! The Ukrainian platform grew the fastest – in the war time, many people looked to God as a protector and a solution! Our Ukrainian team is doing a really great job! That said, our Polish sites also have excellent response rates – always looking for new ways to connect with new people, catch their interest and inform about a parallel reality in life, as offered by Christ!

Our special Outback reunion January the 6th

On January 6th, we had our annual Outback Poland meeting for volunteers involved in the ministry. It was so good to meet with friends again – a real family fiesta! And a new “Lay Leader” for 2025 was selected: Tomek, who is a wonderful and competent man! Also, Damian has joined our Outback team, and his responsibility is to help grow Outback in the whole Europe! We’re aware it’s a huge task, I am sure you see the irony of such a statement given by just a handful of people sitting in the corner of Poland. But it was so also in the days of apostles… The work is possible only through the lead of the Holy Spirit and we just want to be able to follow in His steps!

Good working visit of our partners from Community Bible Study

We also had a great visit from our US partners, Community Bible Studies, 7 people led by Keith Sparzak, who are using our software in their global movement. Again, a very helpful exchange of experiences, introduction of new developments, strategy discussions, etc.. Just a wonderful fellowship with one-minded people.

Together with with some key global ministries discussing internet evangelism impact.

We were invited to join a strategic group focused on developing standards for measuring the impact of online ministry. This marked the first time that the largest ministries in this space came together to openly share and discuss future directions. Filip traveled to the U.S. for four days, and the meeting took place at The Cove Conference Center, part of the Billy Graham Association. During the gathering, the group decided to continue their work under the name „153 Collective” (inspired by John 21). The goal is to establish clear and honest measurement standards that can be applied across our ministries, especially since it’s easy to claim impressive numbers that lack real meaning. We’re encouraged to see that all the ministries involved are genuinely committed to making a tangible impact in people’s lives!

I was also traveling recently, just returned from Kenya and Madagascar, from a trip organized by the Christian Economic Forum. This is a fantastic group of some 250 influencers led by Chuck Bentley, who want to help the world from a biblical perspective, as opposed to the humanistic approach promoted in Davos. They were already able to introduce revolutionary changes in farming in several African countries – increasing harvest 4 times without using heavy duty machinery. Just the opposite – simple peasants can do it. It sounds too good to be true, I know, but I have witnessed it with my own eyes – Zimbabwe and Rwanda have already implemented it on a national scale, while in Madagascar – it’s the second year of development. Please join me in praying for 1 million Malagasy farms implementing this technology in the next 5 years, which would eradicate hunger in this country! We were received by the President of Madagascar, who is an active believer, and we prayed together multiple times. Several other projects are offered – in pharma, health, orphanages… I was there to offer our help with digital teaching of multiple skills, using our internet platform GrowPoint, all based on biblical values. Talks are in progress. They already have the film The Chosen in the Malagasy language, as introduced by Eric Celerier, who is in the center of many initiatives there as well… The Lord is good!

Nairobi, Kenya, number of consultation and stimulation talks. on possible solutions.

Numbers of meeting in Africa with local entrepreneurs on cooperation.

In Madagascar we were received as a national level VIP, with full escort.

Madagascar, people doing washing in the river and drying on the banks of the river

In the house of our Madagascar host, Haja and Prisca Mada.

With the President of Madagascar.

Our leader, President od Christian Economic Forum, Chuck Bentley preaching in the church in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar.

Praise and worship in local church.

Our group sightseeing test farm


Back in the office the work is going forward! Yesterday we got a decision, that after 5 months of suspension, our Google account that we use for promoting our Christian platforms was unblocked! Great victory, thank you also for your prayers! We hired a US agency that stepped into the process which helped, but I think, the US elections played a role as well.

Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you joined us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship!

God bless you!


Join our ministry of life transformation

If anyone would be prompted to support our mission, please, contact me directly or click the button below. Every donation helps!


December answered prayers

  • Good spirit among our staff, in spite of the huge workload, like shipping over 100 parcels daily… wonderful meetings in all the teams.
  • “The Chosen” Christmas initiative was picked up by 336 churches!
  • Google’s ban was lifted and we may advertise among many more people.
  • Over 3 million e-mails were sent to our contacts in 2024.
  • Wonderful, fruitful visit of CBS friends.
  • Joyful Outback reunion on January 6th, 2025.
  • Excellent, very motivating trip to Africa, that may extend our ministry even more!
  • One new course on the platform, addressed to The Chosen fans.

Friends, please pray

  • Strength for all our staff and volunteers, finding a balance for personal lives.
  • Adding new partners for our digital discipleship platforms, as talks are in progress.
  • Preparation of May 17th, 2025 celebration of 50th anniversary of establishing our ministry in Poland.
  • Wisdom in choosing new ministry opportunities, as there are so many possible paths to take, we pray about starting a new digital track.
  • Guidance in our involvement in outreach in Madagascar.
  • Opening hearts of donors and foundations to help us expand the ministry, also in the context of Ukraine, as the work grows but donations have decreased. We pray for substantial funding to allow us to maintain, grow and accelerate this work. We could accomplish even more if we had more resources!
  • Physical strength from the Lord for dear friends – Mike MacIntosh, Peter Bye, Rob Sieval – who have been so much a part of our ministry over many years. Good health also for me, as sometimes I have slower days.

2024 in numbers:

From SzukajacBoga.pl (PL), GrowYourLife.net (EN), DrugiKrok.pl (PL), Nadiya.in.ua (UA)

  • 55,078 – people starting their journey to Jesus
  • 14,975 – people growing in their faith
  • 55,125 – conversations with E-coaches

"For the imperfect" - opinions after completing the new course based on the series The Chosen

  • „A very good course, showing one thing: to trust boundlessly… Trust… And trust again.
    Pray for graces and never worry.
    Because Jesus is with us and always will be.”
  • „My faith, hope, and love have been renewed. And the joy of continuing to follow Jesus. Thank you!!!”
  • „A wonderful course! Such an important topic—human sinfulness and downfall… and then the struggle in the darkness of one’s conscience and the return to the Father, the Loving Father.
    The parable of the prodigal son, which moves and teaches. Thank you very much.”
  • „A moving course that cleanses the false image of God in the heart.”
  • „The course reveals the truth about us—that we fall, that we get lost—but even more beautifully, it shows God’s love and mercy. It reveals the true face of our Father.”
  • „It forces deep self-reflection. It gives hope for solutions and help in those moments of life when we have already written ourselves off because of the evil we have done. One image from the course stayed with me—how Jesus forgives…”
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