As you embark on this New Year I wish you a continuing awareness of the omnipresence of Jesus moment by moment every day, and the knowledge that God’s grace is sufficient for all your needs.
Each of us will experience our own challenges and a plethora of opportunities as we walk with Jesus daily and “praying without ceasing” brings us close to His reality that is secure and sure!
The future He has for us is, ultimately, the very best!
We are so thankful for 2021! It had many challenges that we all encountered, but also unbelievable blessings. Most people were outside their comfort zone, so they were more open to solutions they have never considered before – a Saviour.
Just one example: a “well to do” couple, from the north of Poland (she a writer, poet and artist, he a businessman) were shocked, when her mentor / professor, an ardent and dogmatic atheist, committed a suicide. She saw where his philosophy had led him, it prompted her to start an Internet search. She found our “Looking For God” website and signed up to it.
A journey with an online coach started and she quickly and unreservedly gave her life to Jesus. Soon after, her husband accepted Christ. She is now a wonderful testimony sharing her experience with others.
As you know, we were also praying to find the most effective development of our ministry that has been significantly successful in reaching people where they are in the 21st century, and for the resources to enable us to implement them.
The Lord has answered in a wonderful way – we have received a major gift that is like a sign from the Lord that we are moving in the right direction!
A European premiere of “The Chosen” film in the center of Paris Champs Élysées.
With film producer and european partner, Eric Celerier.
Also, mid December 2021, after long preparation our new, English language platform “Grow your life” was launched and already has raised an interest with 120 people signing to our courses in the first days! Please, pray for it, but also recommend it to your friends and – help to promote it! He address is: And the very best would be – if you could personally get involved as an e-coach, writing with seekers, using our proven methodology that has already helped tens of thousands of people to discover Jesus!
January 6th we had a joyful Outback volunteers reunion – how wonderful it was to meet physically and experience a wonderful fellowship! Thank you, Jesus!
Now, prayerfully, we are planning and implementing our updated ministry strategy and the New Year is a good opportunity to do it.
But time is passing by. We all get older; in February I am to become 70 (!). On February 27 we plan a birthday party and each-one of you is invited! Yes, you are Friends and prayer partners! Fortunately, there are successors already prepared to go forward, so this is a great news, not sad! It is all about His Kingdom!
Christmas – a great opportunity for family reunion.
Several of our very close friends are suffering from various diseases. Please, join us in prayers for Roland Hinz, Phill Butler, Carol Williams and Rob Sieval. They are God’s people who are part of our life and ministry but now are suffering.
Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit! The Lord is answering prayers, indeed!
If anyone would be prompted to support our mission, please, contact me directly or click the button below: Every donation helps!
Progress on prayer requests:
January prayer requests: