In this last month of the year I want to greet you warmly and pass our heart-felt wishes for a wonderful time of experiencing Christ in a special way – in this season of remembering His birth! Amid global turmoil – He is the Prince of Peace, whom we want to follow!
We are trying to settle for Christmas with a number of Christmas parties, thanking God for the past and looking to the future!
Yes, 2024 was good to us – despite struggling with lack of cash, we were able to reach more people than in the previous year. The stream of new people interested in learning more about the Savior is new every day! We have now over 180 000 people registered on our discipleship platforms, and over 220 000 receiving regular correspondence from us. My wife, Bogusia, has just released, the first paper version of her daily devotions, “Miracles every day”, and got 550 pre-orders for this book! What an encouragement!
New book “Miracles every day” from my wife Bogusia with daily devotionals for the whole year
Brainstorming and planing next season of Outback
In early December I was in Birmingham, AL, attending the JH Outback Board meeting – it’s always a great encouragement when fellowshipping with people running this excellent ministry! And we prayed and worked hard – to extend its reach into a number of countries of Europe. Please, pray with us that it will happen.
With special friends in Tuscaloosa , on right side is Bill Trick
At church service in Tuscaloosa
At the board meeting of JH Adventures in Birmingham, Alabama
Also on The Chosen front – by God’s grace, in cooperation with churches and individuals we are able to organize over 300 (!) local watch parties of a special The Chosen Christmas episode. We remember the words of Christ, “He is the Bread of Life, who eats it, will never hunger again”. How much more important it is to offer people this eternal bread than just a temporary solution! Yes, we should feed the hungry, but when it comes to eternity – only the reconciliation with the just God will allow a happy ending!
One of the Ambassadors organized Watching The Chosen in a classroom
Our Ukrainian friends are deeply struggling, seeing their relatives and church members being directly exposed to the war. Still, there is a huge interest in the gospel there, and many new projects are in a pipeline.
In our part of the world there are still christian bruss orchestras
Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you joined us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship!
God bless you!
If anyone would be prompted to support our mission, please, contact me directly or click the button below. Every donation helps!
From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)