August / September 2024

I like the summer months so much – even when not on vacations, life seems to be more colorful and positive… that said, together with Bogusia, we had a great time off in Sicily, where temperatures went up to 40 Celsius. Some adventures with cancelled flights and lost luggage, but they did not steal our joy of seeing beautiful nature and resting!

Dear Friends,

I’m sending you special greetings from sunny Poland!

Long awaited vacation

Life was busy – I was with my daughter – Paulina at a wonderful Christian Economic Forum conference in Quebec. It’s an amazing group of leaders who care for the problems of the world with Bible being the reference! I could use the whole letter to describe some great work conducted by top level scientists, financial leaders and entrepreneurs who, in the name of Christ, take initiative in Africa and Asia. It was very, very inspiring time indeed!

At the Christian Economic Forum event

During an interview

Our table cohort at CEF

After the conference with daughter Pauline at Niagara falls

Outback season

This year, by God’s grace, we were able to expand the Outback weekends into planned seven events! We have just finished the fifth one – it was longer, 5 days and part of it was Outback University – for singles age 18-30. It was the largest crowd we ever had – over 230 people including volunteers, placed in a new location in Bieszczady mountains, a ca. 5.5 hour drive from our Wisla.

All the volunteers were exhausted after it but it was just fantastic! Many of the young guests were attracted through our social media campaigns – there was several young atheists or people not interested in religion at all, but open to “see it” because it was cheap ☺ One guy came with his girlfriend but returned home when he was told they could not stay in this same room. She stayed, and later gave her heart to Jesus!

The incredible encouragement was that after 5 days of staying in an “atmosphere of God’s presence”, people melted like clay… Nobody left early, several professed their faith under the cross. It has brought so much new hope to my heart! If only we could have an opportunity and attention of people for a few days, uninterrupted by phones, etc., so that they would understand God’s plan for their life – so many more would invite Jesus to their hearts! I still see the faces of people telling their testimonies at the last session… Yes, God works today!

Outback University dining room

One of the Outback attractions

We had several dear friends from USA from Outback who helped us with the event – thank you so much! After the event we were meeting with 3 of them, discussing possibilities of increasing the scale of Outback’s global influence by creating a movement, with the help of digital technology. Yes, God’s Word has the same power, our role is to release it for people we can connect with! No more just talking and planning but doing!

This is our „Big Top”

As always everything ends around a table

Watching The Chosen in Krakow

We had some great progress also on The Chosen project. Its ambassadors are taking it to many places during vacations, sharing in small and big groups… Huge promotion is happening by its fans, who are using it for evangelism. This Wednesday we had a big LED screen at Krakow famous market square with The Chosen being shown among some other content. Attended by crowds, many good talks afterwards.

„The Chosen” show in Krakow – in one of the biggest Market Squares in Europe

Hundreds of people stopped by to watch the first episode of the Show

One of The Chosen ambassadors created a kid’s coloring posters.

And in a week – another Outback weekend. Yes, we are somewhat exhausted… Still, the fall plans look great – some travel, many meetings, growth! Thank you, Jesus! All of it on top of hundreds of people daily getting to our digital discipleship platforms.

After time of planning future digital cooperation with JH Ranch, Outback

Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you joined us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship!

God bless you!


Join our ministry of life transformation

If anyone would be prompted to support our mission, please, contact me directly or click the button below. Every donation helps!


July answered prayers

  • Wonderful Outback University 5-day program with many transformed lives.
  • Over half a million of Poles viewed The Chosen season 4, presently available on multiple channels.
  • Every day people continue to come to our digital discipleship courses and are served by an army of coaches. Meaningful decisions are taken!
  • Our family book, “Sure Foundation” gets many responses from readers! It tells the story of God’s faithfulness over 5 generations in very turbulent times. And now – it is available also in an e-book format on Amazon. We invite everybody to read it!
  • Good development of our social media presence with hundreds of thousands impacted every month.

Friends, please pray

  • Strength for all our staff and volunteers, finding a balance for personal lives
  • New staff members to be added to our team as the work increases all the time. Resources to cover extra cost
  • Developing cooperation with new partners around the globe. Talks with 9 prospective parties.
  • New courses that are in the pipeline for our e-learning platforms.
  • Wisdom in choosing new ministry opportunities, as there are so many possible paths to take, we pray about starting a new digital track: “Succession of values in families” – how to raise children and grandchildren towards loving the Lord.
  • Opening hearts of donors and foundations to help us expand the ministry, also in the context of Ukraine, as the work grows but donations have decreased. Our 36-month need is $3 million.
  • Physical strength from the Lord for dear friends – Mike MacIntosh, Peter Bye, Rob Sieval – who have been so much part of our ministry over many years.
  • Annual conference of our ministry planned for October 11 – 13, 2024. New openings, new people joining!

July and August 2024 in numbers:

From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)

  • 9,004 – people starting their journey to Jesus
  • 2,368 – people growing in their faith
  • 7,647 – conversations with E-coaches

Comments after the course "Searching for the meaning of life"

  • The course allowed me to remember again that God is the meaning of my life. Even when everything starts to fall apart, He gives you the strength to endure it, get up and start all over again.
  • This course is amazing, it reopened feelings in me that were hidden somewhere deep. Thank you very much for this.
  • It was one of the first courses that I took exactly a year ago. It gave direction to my life. Thanks to this and other courses, I am getting closer to God. And He shapes my life.
  • An excellent course explaining the meaning of our lives and encouraging us to get to know God.
  • The course is conducted in a very warm way, the leader is very convincing, he is radiating with joy and deep faith. It’s a pleasure to listen to him, his faith is contagious.
  • The course allowed me to look at the teachings of the Church differently than before. It motivated and encouraged me to continue learning about God’s ways. Thank you
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